On Monday 5 September 2016
The teacher started the class by asked us that " What are advantages of using the internet? " and shared to think with in group. She taught acrongm such as
Key pal = a person with whom one becomes friendly by exchanging e-mails.
Emoticon = is a pictorial representation of a facial expression using punctuation marks, number and letters.
RUOK = Are you okay?
LOL = Laugh out loud.
CU = See you.
OMG = Oh my God.
After that, she gave to us talked about Researchers worry as teens grow up online and checked the information. I thought I would read about in the text and used reading strategies was predicting then found the words in italics on reading. Matched each the word with its meaning, I used reading strategies were scanning and guessing meaning from context. Marked each statement Researcher's opinion or Teenager's opinion , I used reading strategies was finding references.
Teacher assigned that found the vocabulary and sticks the picture about fashion then on paper. Don't forget to bring it if who forget not allow come to the class on next week and she ordered to I answer the questions on weblog.
1. How much time spent online do you think is too much? Why?
Ans. I think who spent to time online over 12 hours is too much because it will makes to fatigue brain.
2.Do you think that everything can be communicated by e-mail? Or are some things best said face to face? What examples can you give?
Ans. In my opinion somethings can be communicated by e-mail but sometimes said face to face will better depend on at that time situation such as I need to congratulations on Birthday to someone. I should will says face to face to him or her better than send by e-mail because it will the most sincerely.
3. Would it bother you if people lied to you online about their age or appearance? Why or why not?
Ans. No, I wouldn't I think that someone have a secret personal.