วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 30 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2560

Week 10 : Cause and Effect

Monday 27th March 2017

ผลการค้นหารูปภาพสำหรับ Cause and Effect

The teacher taught a new lesson that was Cause and Effect to students. She explained about words that signal this type of text structure, read discourse markers of cause and effect and taught how to distinct cause from effect by finding out discourse markers.

After that, we read the texts about student are not allowed to chew gum in class. We completed the diagram, highlighted discourse markers, and underlined the causes.Then, we see a list of Cause and Effect markers in page 44. So, she assigned us to find the meaning and how to use them in the sentence. 

Next, we did Skill Practice 2 as we read the following texts, highlight the discourse markers and look for the specific causes and effects. Then complete the cause and effect diagram.

In my opinion, The vocabularies in the text were easy. Causes and effects were hard. Some discourse marker, I confused what is cause or effect.  I translated it and guessed from the context. This lesson is important in reading. 

วันเสาร์ที่ 18 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2560

Week 9 : Comparison and Contrast continues

Monday 13th March 2017

We learned “Comparison and Contrast” continued. First of all, the teacher told us to talk and check the homework with my friend. It was the text2 in the handout. Then, the teacher told us to read the text “Men and Women: Do they speak the Same Language?” then, I check my answers with my friend. So, it was very difficult. After that, the teacher gave us the corrective feedback.

And then, the teacher gave us the corrective feedback of the “A. Signal Expressions”After that, we set the chairs for preparing about the mid-term test. After we did it finished, we did the mid-term test.

In addition, I used finding the discourse marker for reading the text. So, it made me comprehend the text easily.


    A: Do you agree with Tannen’s views on the subject? Be specific about your points of disagreement.
    = Yes, I agree with Tannen’s view.

    B: Are any of Tannen’s points about the different personalities of men and women true in your native culture? Explain. Do men and women in your native culture use the language the way Tannen claims American men and women do? Give specific examples.

    = Yes, men make fun of women for talking too much. Men are usually good at telling jokes.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 9 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2560

Week 8 : Comparison and Contrast

Monday 6th March 2017

ผลการค้นหารูปภาพสำหรับ Comparison and Contrast

I studied “Procedure” and “Comparison and Contrast”. First of all, the teacher told us to talk with friends about “what did I do on weekend?” in the English language. Then, she told us to bring the handout for studying. After that, she read the text 3 in the handout that was about how to use a toaster. After she read it finished, she told us to do the exercises 1, 2, 3, and 5

Next, she told us to open the first page of this handout. So, it was about the “purpose”, “types of procedural texts”, “text organization”, and “language features”.
- The purpose of the procedure is to tell the reader how to do or make something.  
- Types of procedural texts are
1.Texts explain how something works or how to use instruction/operation manuals.
2. Texts that instruct how to do a particular activity.
3.Texts that deal with human behavior.

The teacher showed us some pictures and asked us how they’re different. So, she brought this toward the new reason that was “Comparison and Contrast”. Then, she told   On the other hand, contrast is to compare the two things or more over that are differences.” that “Comparison is to compare the two things or more over that are similarities.

Next, the teacher read and explained the example 1. Then, she told us to compare between the high context culture student and the low context culture student so the example 1 was on the slide of the Microsoft PowerPoint. So, I wrote the diagram like this:High context culture student.

In my opinion, to describe or explain how two or more things are alike or different. We usually use it when we want to present opposing sides of an issue. It is very important. The text was not hard, I can compare them that they are similar or different. The markers to point out comparison and contrast were difficult because some words, I have never seen before. I highlighted it and listened to teacher carefully for to know the meaning and more knowledge.