27th March 2017
The teacher taught a new
lesson that was Cause and Effect to students. She explained about words that
signal this type of text structure, read discourse markers of cause and effect
and taught how to distinct cause from effect by finding out discourse markers.
that, we read the texts about student are not allowed to chew gum in class. We
completed the diagram, highlighted discourse markers, and underlined the
causes.Then, we see a list of Cause and Effect markers in page 44. So, she
assigned us to find the meaning and how to use them in the sentence.
we did Skill Practice 2 as we read the following texts, highlight the discourse
markers and look for the specific causes and effects. Then complete the cause
and effect diagram.
In my opinion, The vocabularies in the text were easy. Causes and effects were hard. Some discourse
marker, I confused what is cause or effect. I translated it and guessed
from the context. This lesson is important in